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Video Tutorial Monday #34 (on a Wednesday)

May 4, 2011

Hi there. This week is going by so slowly! With classes, tests and final projects, everything has gone by at a snail’s pace. I even had a little time to make my video on Monday night but then couldn’t upload it yesterday. Our internet router died! Murphy’s Law, right? Ha. Anyways, I’m now hardwired into my internet modem so I can share today’s card and video with you. I can’t wait until I’m done with everything this week and can post all the time this summer. :) Here’s the card for today:

The video mostly focuses on hand stitching and how I go about measuring, making the holes and sewing itself. I hope this will answer some of the questions I’ve been getting about sewing lately. Doesn’t it add such a nice texture?

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Supplies: Cardstock – Papertrey Ink (Kraft and Vintage Cream), Patterned Paper – Cosmo Cricket (6 by 6 Salt Air collection pad), Stamp – Hero Arts (CL520 Live & Laugh), Ink – Ranger (JBS Spice Tin), Ribbon – My Mind’s Eye (Stella & Rose Collection), Thread – DMC (712 – cream – large quantity that I mentioned here at, Buttons – Papertrey Ink (Vintage Cream/ White), Paper Piercer – Tim Holtz for Tonic Studios (Retractable Craft Pick), Corner Rounder – WRMK (Corner Chomper), Ribbon Adhesive – Scor Tape.

Another thing I wanted to talk about was something I’m doing this weekend. Last November, I lost a classmate and friend too early. His name was Cory, and he was always so sweet and hardworking, and none of us saw his untimely passing coming. You might remember when I was going through this, but I didn’t really talk about it explicitly here on my blog. It was my first experience dealing with the death of someone young that I knew well, and it hit me hard. This weekend, a 5K Run/Walk is being organized in his honor to raise awareness of suicide prevention. I’m participating as a walker and am trying to get as many of my friends as possible to join me. Here’s a picture of Cory with his VW van that he loved so much:

You can donate in my name as a walker at the One Love 5K and the donations go to the mental health services on campus. If you have a couple of spare dollars, I would appreciate a little donation so much. I have no goals and now one is telling me I need to have people reach a certain dollar amount, but this cause is so important to me. Everyone deserves someone to go to for help when they need it. Whether they are diagnosed with depression or just need some methods for better dealing with stress or emotions, services like this work to prevent tragedies like suicide and give people having a hard time the opportunity to be happy again.

Okay, I’m going to get personal here. This cause is very, very important to me. I know I’ve never really posted about this on my blog before, but I think it’s time. I suffer from severe depression and anxiety. I was miserable throughout all four of my years in high school, and finally in the second semester of college, I reached a breaking point. I was so miserable with life that I knew I needed to do something about it. I went to see a therapist at the University’s Mental Health Services. Through months (and then years) of appointments, talking about how to handle stress and sad feelings and medication, I’m actually able to be happy now. I can’t even tell you the drastic difference in my life since three years ago. It’s so much more full and bright. Yes, there are rough days and sometimes weeks and bumps along the way, but I don’t know where I’d be right now without the support of my family, friends and doctors.

So I’ll be walking for Cory, for all others lost, and for others that still need help. College is hard. Life is hard. There are ways to deal with these feelings of sadness or stress. No one is crazy or weak because they see a therapist. I think everyone should. Talking to someone about your problems who can see them objectively gives you a lot of insight into what you need to do to make your life happier. Whether it’s dealing with a terrible roommate, a class that you can’t seem to understand or stress of paying bills, someone to talk to just… helps.

So you can donate here to help raise awareness of these amazing services and help to prevent future tragedies. Cory is missed greatly, and I’m so sad he’s gone. He was a fantastic guy, and I know he’s in heaven looking down on us and smiling right now.

Alright, back to work for me. I’m done with classes but still have some projects to finish up and turn in next week. Then I’ll be back! I’m planning a super cool series, and I hope to make a ton of videos in the next few weeks to relax and enjoy my time without classes. Be looking for that! I’m also super close to 500 subscribers on YouTube, so I bet there will be a giveaway over there soon. Make sure you subscribe to me on YouTube so you don’t miss it!

Love…. So much love,


11 Comments leave one →
  1. DianeTheLibrarian permalink
    May 4, 2011 7:10 pm

    I’m so sorry about your friend Cory. I can only imagine how much he suffered.

    Know that you are not alone… I have been in treatment for depression and anxiety for several years; take medication and am living quite a happy life. One thing that makes me happy is making cards. Keep doing those things that make you happy and fill you with positive energy!

    I love your site, your videos and your honesty! TFS

  2. Carole Toppen permalink
    May 4, 2011 7:11 pm

    Britta, thanks so much for sharing your story. If I lived near you, I would walk right beside you. Kudos to you for seeking help in time. My son passed away 6 years ago to suicide. He left a beautiful, loving wife and 2 young boys. As they say, no one saw this coming. It has left such a huge hole in all of our hearts. I look back now and I can see that he was suffering from depression clear back to high school, but we just didn’t recognize then. I sometimes do the “what if” he had only had counseling back then. We would have our sweet, kind son,husband, father with us today. I will be thinking of you this weekend. God bless

  3. May 4, 2011 8:19 pm

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. I know it can be really hard and embarassing, I know I felt that way when I sought help for depression. I agree, going to therapy can be the healthiest thing anyone can do! I am so much better because of it.

    I am so sorry that you lost your friend, but good luck this weekend! I am sure he would be so happ to be remembered this way!

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Terri (blindstamper) permalink
    May 4, 2011 8:48 pm

    Bravo! Depression is so misunderstood…so many people think there has to be a “reason”. I agree with you on the therapy too…every one of us could benefit from it…we all need help sometimes. Hang in there. I believe you will find a lot of us in the same boat. Thank you for sharing.

  5. May 4, 2011 8:52 pm

    Your card has really wonderful colors on it Brit! Really chic and stylish, I really love it! Thanks for sharing the stories about you and your friend! Depression is so hard and I know it hits all of us at some point in our lives whether we want to admit it or not. So sad that Cory wasn’t able to get the help he needed! It can be reversed and I’m so sad for his loss! I had depression – pretty moderate when I was around 28, just a weird time in my life, but I’m glad I was able to change things around! Stay you and I always love hearing your thoughts!

  6. Megan Stelter permalink
    May 4, 2011 9:52 pm

    High School was a very dark place for me as well, which was mostly brought upon by a very verbally abusive parent. I can remember how foggy and dark those four years were, and how much I despised myself and my situation. I still don’t understand how I was able to maintain perfect grades! haha.

    Meeting my fiance and his family could not have come at more of a perfect time. I know it sounds cliche, but he really ‘pulled me out of the darkness’ when my self-hate reached it’s highest point my senior year of high school. He is my absolute best friend, and he and his family helped me overcome a lot of my depression and negative thought patterns.

    Things are amazing now; I actually feel like I have a normal life! Which is awesome, because I’ve needed to lean on that to make my way through nursing school. =)

    I am incredibly sorry about your friend. Thank you for spreading the word that we are not alone in our hardships, that there is always a hand, an ear, or a pair of arms to embrace you and help you through those hard times.

    Thank you for sharing with us. =)

  7. Tina permalink
    May 5, 2011 3:56 am

    Britta cute little tutorial and card.
    ps. donation made :) for a worthy cause indeed

  8. May 5, 2011 6:35 am

    VERY VERY cool of you to post this. I think one of the biggest problems with depression is that most people who suffer from it think they’re alone & that’s so not true. When people share their stories of progress they prove that! Have fun at the race. Spread your joy even though there will be sadness in the air. Your positivity will give hope. Good luck!

  9. Jen permalink
    May 5, 2011 7:50 am

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. It took me a long time to realize that asking for help was not a sign of weakness or that doing things differently than others was not a bad thing. Hopefully you talking about it will help someone else realize that they are not alone that they don’t have to wait years to get help like I did.

  10. nancy caudill permalink
    May 5, 2011 1:11 pm

    I am so sorry about your friend but i have been there it started at 16 and i am 58 now and u r right it is a battle every day nancy

  11. Kathleen Watterson permalink
    May 6, 2011 7:11 pm

    Oh wow, what an amazing heartfelt blog… This has meant SO much to me to read all your personal stories. I’ve battled depression and anxiety since I was a child, I’m now 38. I’d say this was largely due to an overly strict and regimented father (an army man) who I was terrifed of as well as bullying in a UK boarding school by the teachers from 9-16yo. I remember always being told to just ‘snap out of it’. To this day my Dad won’t recognise or even accept that his daughter suffers with depression (I’m certain he suffers with depression too as a result of post traumatic stress but he would never admit it.) I have had several failed relationships and have separated from my hushand a year ago. I have hit breaking point several times in the past but since my separation I have finally found a fantastic GP (doctor) who has got me on the right medication and I’m seeing a wonderful therapist. I also have a close relationship with an amazing man who has been so incredibly supportive and understanding as have his family! I finally feel like I’m moving on in my life and have a sense of hope and self worth. I know now that I can be the best mother for my gorgeous 5yo daughter whom I love and adore with all my heart. I could never leave her without a mother.
    Thank you SO much for allowing me to share my story… this is not something I have been able to share in the past. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Much love peace and happiness to you all. xox

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